These are the DVD’s I produced on the different activities of spiritual master Sri Chinmoy (1931-2007) from the years 1985 to 2007. The videos show the master in all his major activities such as meditations, singing and composing new mantric songs in Bengal and in English, reciting poems, giving talks, performing in concerts, promoting peace and harmony, painting, practising many forms of sports as well as weight-lifting achievemments. All the videos are now available on USB sticks.

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

European Concert Tour 1989

Peace Concerts in the University of Vienna and in Oberlaa (Austria), Ludwigshafen and Heidel- berg (both Germany) with many recitations, talks and close-ups of meditations. You can also see Sri Chinmoy's visit of the first SEWA/Madal Bal enterprise in Vienna, run by his Austrian students. Length: 1:44 h dvdkv005

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