These are the DVD’s I produced on the different activities of spiritual master Sri Chinmoy (1931-2007) from the years 1985 to 2007. The videos show the master in all his major activities such as meditations, singing and composing new mantric songs in Bengal and in English, reciting poems, giving talks, performing in concerts, promoting peace and harmony, painting, practising many forms of sports as well as weight-lifting achievemments. All the videos are now available on USB sticks.

Sunday, January 6, 2008

The Hallenstadion Zurich Concert 1985

On March 31, 1985 Sri Chinmoy gave his first big concert in the Zurich Hallenstadion, a prestigious hall, where normally large sports events, musicals or pop concerts take place. Sri Chinmoy transformed the hall into a vessel of spiritual manifestation. About 6000 seekers from all over Europe attended the performance that was divided into three parts an lasted for more than three hours. Sri Chinmoy often meditated between the different instruments. View an excerpt on www. Length: 2:09 h dvdkv003.

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